Jun 27, 2019
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tim ryan is focused on domestic policy.hat democrats need to play to the heartland than to the coast. we heard his campaign, trying to explain after that debate, saying that tulsi gabbard distorted what he was saying. her foreign policy should be something we question. this is one of the situations where a candidate had to deal with the issue in front of them. it tripped him up, if you're the ryan campaign. >> one of the candidates on on that stage, but will be tonight, he had one of his aides in the spin room yesterday, i understand. what was she saying? and is it better or worse that the former v.p. wasn't mentioned at all last night? >> they were prepared for him to be a target last night. they were circulating before the debate. quotes from every one of the capped dates, praising joe biden in the past. we heard from some of the biden surrogates, this was a chance for the candidates to introduce themselves to the country. and they didn't want to use that time to attack a popular figure in the party. it might be a differe
tim ryan is focused on domestic policy.hat democrats need to play to the heartland than to the coast. we heard his campaign, trying to explain after that debate, saying that tulsi gabbard distorted what he was saying. her foreign policy should be something we question. this is one of the situations where a candidate had to deal with the issue in front of them. it tripped him up, if you're the ryan campaign. >> one of the candidates on on that stage, but will be tonight, he had one of his...
Jun 2, 2019
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tim ryan for america.com. of these issues we cover tonight and didn't cover tonight. even including mindfulness and yoga with veterans, really helping them heal, which is transforming their lives, which has been amazing. i have been on the medicare for all bill since 2007. i believe that the very next step we have to take is to have a public option so that everybody can buy affordable, accessible health care. but i also believe that we need to have another conversation. the current system is a disease care system. it's a sick care system. wait until we get sick, throw a bunch of money at it. pharmaceutical companies make a bunch of money. insurance companies make a bunch of money. we need to have a conversation about health in the united states. we need to have a conversation about our food system in the united states and we need to have a conversation about our agriculture -- [ applause ] we need to also have a conversation about our agriculture system in the united states. and what kind of food are we produc
tim ryan for america.com. of these issues we cover tonight and didn't cover tonight. even including mindfulness and yoga with veterans, really helping them heal, which is transforming their lives, which has been amazing. i have been on the medicare for all bill since 2007. i believe that the very next step we have to take is to have a public option so that everybody can buy affordable, accessible health care. but i also believe that we need to have another conversation. the current system is a...
Jun 22, 2019
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about 12 to 15 tim ryans in this field. every second of time they can get, it isn't so much about south carolina, he may or may not still be in the race by then, it's more about you. it's about television time. it's about a preface to the breakout moment he hopes to have in the debates that are coming up wednesday night and thursday night. some of these candidates, i don't think can survive even past the first debate unless they can create a moment that is memorable, that impresses people, and that somehow lifts them up to 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, they got to be in the top 10 to continue. >> that's the pressure they face right now, as they go before these voters, the democratic party in south carolina, knowing that hey, in a few days, they have to get those zingers ready, they have to be able to get that moment that we're going to be talking about this week to catapult them up there. >> yeah, i think they're practicing. that's what you do with speed dating, right? you practice for the real thing that comes later, but tim ryan and
about 12 to 15 tim ryans in this field. every second of time they can get, it isn't so much about south carolina, he may or may not still be in the race by then, it's more about you. it's about television time. it's about a preface to the breakout moment he hopes to have in the debates that are coming up wednesday night and thursday night. some of these candidates, i don't think can survive even past the first debate unless they can create a moment that is memorable, that impresses people, and...
Jun 23, 2019
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i'm ready to rip it. >> congressman tim ryan. it up with a rare tip of the hat to president trump. that's up next. woman: (on phone) discover. hi. do you have a travel card? yep. our miles card. earn unlimited 1.5 miles and we'll match it at the end of your first year. nice! i'm thinking about a scuba diving trip. woman: ooh! (gasp) or not. you okay? yeah, no, i'm good. earn miles. we'll match 'em at the end of your first year. thanks to priceline working with top airlines to turn their unsold seats into amazing deals, family reunion attendance is up. we're all related! yeah, i see it. and because priceline offers great deals by comparing thousands of prices in real time, sports fans are seeing more away games. various: yeah-h-h! is that safe? oh, y... ahh! not at all. no, ma'am. nope. and more people than ever are enjoying romantic getaways. (romantic music) that's gross priceline. every trip is a big deal. >> for whatever reason. common sense is you are a scarey man. putting on the cover of "time" magazine. he's strong. stronge
i'm ready to rip it. >> congressman tim ryan. it up with a rare tip of the hat to president trump. that's up next. woman: (on phone) discover. hi. do you have a travel card? yep. our miles card. earn unlimited 1.5 miles and we'll match it at the end of your first year. nice! i'm thinking about a scuba diving trip. woman: ooh! (gasp) or not. you okay? yeah, no, i'm good. earn miles. we'll match 'em at the end of your first year. thanks to priceline working with top airlines to turn their...
Jun 30, 2019
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we will be back with tim ryan. stay with us. almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. even a parking splat. fly-by ballooning. (man) don't...go...down...oh, no! aaaaaaahhhhhhhh! (burke) rooftop parking. (burke) and even a hit and drone. (driver) relax, it's just a bug. that's not a bug, that's not a bug! (burke) and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ - i like to plan my activities before i take trip, so by the time i get there i can just enjoy the ride. with tripadvisor, it's easy to discover over 100,000 bookable things to do, from walking tours in rome to wine tastings in tuscany, and if you like what you see, you can book it with ease. just another way tripadvisor helps you make your trip a masterpiece. ♪ hoo - read reviews, check hotel prices, book things to do. tripadvisor. compare comcast business to your current provider. my current service provider does not provide half of what you provi
we will be back with tim ryan. stay with us. almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. even a parking splat. fly-by ballooning. (man) don't...go...down...oh, no! aaaaaaahhhhhhhh! (burke) rooftop parking. (burke) and even a hit and drone. (driver) relax, it's just a bug. that's not a bug, that's not a bug! (burke) and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ - i like to plan my...
Jun 27, 2019
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what was going on tonight, i spoke to tim ryan from ohio and we will get you that interview in a few moments, he thinks it shows that biden is not as strong a front runner is a lot of people in the media are expecting and ryan said he wants to talk about the issue that matter in states like ohio, the forgotten man confident woman that donald trump talked a lot about to win in 2016. the problem is they were not talking about the forgotten man and woman, not talking about that, they were talking about high taxes, medicare for all, green new deal. listen to what they were talking about. >> when you've got a government, an economy that does great for those with money and isn't doing great for everyone else, corruption, pure and simple, we need to call it out, attack it head on and make structural change in our government, our economy and our country. >> this is supposed to be the party of working people, we are for 70% tax rate on the wealthy and free college, free public college for our young people, we are supposed to break a big corporations when they are not serving our democracy. th
what was going on tonight, i spoke to tim ryan from ohio and we will get you that interview in a few moments, he thinks it shows that biden is not as strong a front runner is a lot of people in the media are expecting and ryan said he wants to talk about the issue that matter in states like ohio, the forgotten man confident woman that donald trump talked a lot about to win in 2016. the problem is they were not talking about the forgotten man and woman, not talking about that, they were talking...
Jun 29, 2019
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i want to bring in congress member tim ryan from ohio.ongress member, good to have you with us. >> thanks for having me. >> if elected president, you want to decide which relationship you want to have with kim jong-un. i'm sure you agree with the president's style over twitter and praise of a dictator. is the president's decision wrong to engage kim jong-un directly? >> i don't think so. i think a lot of this stuff needs to be handled at lower levels and the president comes in to seal the deal and i just think it isn't getting us anywhere. it gets the president on tv. that is what he wants. he is running the apprenticeship program out of the oval office. he wants tv ratings and attention to himself. he is good at that. i don't think there is anybody better. it is not good for our foreign policy. >> would you shake hands with kim jong-un at the dmz? >> i would not. not until we had some deal or at least very close to having some deal. what is the deal? where are we? does anyone have a clue what we are talking about now? you know, we have s
i want to bring in congress member tim ryan from ohio.ongress member, good to have you with us. >> thanks for having me. >> if elected president, you want to decide which relationship you want to have with kim jong-un. i'm sure you agree with the president's style over twitter and praise of a dictator. is the president's decision wrong to engage kim jong-un directly? >> i don't think so. i think a lot of this stuff needs to be handled at lower levels and the president comes in...
Jun 2, 2019
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we'll be right back with congress man tim ryan. stay with us. (paul) great. another wireless ad. so many of them are full of this complicated, tricky language about their network and offers and blah blah blah. look. sprint's going to do things differently. and let you decide for yourself. they're offering a new 100% total satisfaction guarantee. try it out and see the savings. if you don't love it, get your money back. see? simple. now sprint's unlimited plan comes with one of the newest phones included for just $35 a month. so switch now. for people with hearing loss, visit sprintrelay.com play it cool and escape heartburn fast with new tums chewy bites cooling sensation. ♪ tum tum tum tums with new tums chewy bites cooling sensation. featuring three new dishes that are planked-to-perfection. feast on new cedar-plank lobster & shrimp. or new colossal shrimp & salmon with a citrusy drizzle. tender, smoky, and together on one plank... ...but not for long- so hurry in!
we'll be right back with congress man tim ryan. stay with us. (paul) great. another wireless ad. so many of them are full of this complicated, tricky language about their network and offers and blah blah blah. look. sprint's going to do things differently. and let you decide for yourself. they're offering a new 100% total satisfaction guarantee. try it out and see the savings. if you don't love it, get your money back. see? simple. now sprint's unlimited plan comes with one of the newest phones...
Jun 27, 2019
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what was going on tonight, i spoke a moment to go to tim ryan from ohio. were going to get you that interviewing a few moments. he told me think that shows that biden is maybe not as strong a front runner is a lot of people in the media are expecting. ryan told me he wants to talk about the issues that matter in states like ohio, the forgotten man, forgot woman that president trump talked a lot about to win in 2016. the problem for democrats tonight, shannon, is that a lot of the democrats on the stage were not talking about the forgotten man and woman. not necessarily talking about the middle class. they were talking about high taxes, medicare for all, green new deal. listen to what they were talking about. >> when you've got a government, you've got an economy that does great for those with money and isn't doing great for everyone else, that's corruption, pure and simple. we need to call it out. we need to attack it head-on and we need to make structural change in our government, in our economy, and in our country. >> this is supposed to be the party of
what was going on tonight, i spoke a moment to go to tim ryan from ohio. were going to get you that interviewing a few moments. he told me think that shows that biden is maybe not as strong a front runner is a lot of people in the media are expecting. ryan told me he wants to talk about the issues that matter in states like ohio, the forgotten man, forgot woman that president trump talked a lot about to win in 2016. the problem for democrats tonight, shannon, is that a lot of the democrats on...
Jun 29, 2019
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i want to bring in congress member tim ryan from ohio. congress member, good to have you with us. >> thanks for having me. >> if elected president, you want to decide which relationship you want to have with kim jong-un. i'm sure you agree with the president's style over twitter and praise of a dictator. is the president's decision wrong to engage kim jong-un directly? >> i don't think so. i think a lot of this stuff needs to be handled at lower levels and the president comes in to seal the deal and i just think it isn't getting us anywhere. it gets the president on tv. that is what he wants. he is running the apprenticeship program out of the oval office. he wants tv ratings and attention to himself. he is good at that. i don't think there is anybody better. it is not good for our foreign policy. >> would you shake hands with kim jong-un at the dmz? >> i would not. not until we had some deal or at
i want to bring in congress member tim ryan from ohio. congress member, good to have you with us. >> thanks for having me. >> if elected president, you want to decide which relationship you want to have with kim jong-un. i'm sure you agree with the president's style over twitter and praise of a dictator. is the president's decision wrong to engage kim jong-un directly? >> i don't think so. i think a lot of this stuff needs to be handled at lower levels and the president comes...
Jun 3, 2019
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a short time ago, tim ryan made news on cnn saying he's joining the call of, i believe it's now 11 democratic candidates in 2020. 76% of democrats in the latest cnn poll, they support impeaching the president. will you take that step? if not, why not when you have virtually 8 in 10 democrats supporting that move? >> i don't think anyone will question my vigor in holding this president accountable. the work we did in the first two years when our democracy was under attack when i was on the intelligence committee, wanted people to care so we could get a majority to put this balance of power on abuses of power. as someone who really respects the rule of law, i want us to get it right because we only get one shot but again, that's where we're headed. i want to be backed into it showing that we've exhausted every other remedy and have the american people with us. that's where we are right now. i'm ready to try this case. again, i think you have to make an example out of mnuchin and barr first. you can't let them off the hook.
a short time ago, tim ryan made news on cnn saying he's joining the call of, i believe it's now 11 democratic candidates in 2020. 76% of democrats in the latest cnn poll, they support impeaching the president. will you take that step? if not, why not when you have virtually 8 in 10 democrats supporting that move? >> i don't think anyone will question my vigor in holding this president accountable. the work we did in the first two years when our democracy was under attack when i was on the...
Jun 27, 2019
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what about tim ryan? what about john delaney?could you pick them out in a lineup if you had to? >> uhm, i think that... a lot of-- ( laughter ) you know, sometimes you're an underdog until you're not. >> stephen: okay. so they could still break out. >>, you know, there's always a chance, but... ( laughter ) i'll be-- i'll be honest. i really do think that this was a breakaway night, and i think that there was-- like, i think elizabeth warren really distinguished herself. i think julio castro really distinguished himself. i i think cory booker did a great job in talking about criminal justice, and i think there were communities that got centered tonight. the trans community got centered tonight. the immigrant community got centered tonight. and i think that those-- that was an extraordinary moment as well. >> stephen: do you think the debate moderators brought up the subjects that needed to be brought up? was there anything you wished they had talked about tonight that didn't get addressed? >> i don't think that we are discussing
what about tim ryan? what about john delaney?could you pick them out in a lineup if you had to? >> uhm, i think that... a lot of-- ( laughter ) you know, sometimes you're an underdog until you're not. >> stephen: okay. so they could still break out. >>, you know, there's always a chance, but... ( laughter ) i'll be-- i'll be honest. i really do think that this was a breakaway night, and i think that there was-- like, i think elizabeth warren really distinguished herself. i...
Jun 23, 2019
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among those on the first night is ohio congressman tim ryan.ger to challenging democrats will face off against e-elizabeth warren and cory booker and amy klobuchar. great to see you. we've gotten to know each other on our "morning joe" panels. and each time you walk off, either barnical or willy or i say to each other this guy's really got what it take hopefully people are going to see that next week in miami. >> well, that's the plan. people say what are you going to do i am who i i am. if sdwru do trickery on the debate stage, you're probably in the wrong business and i'm going to get the message out about who i've represented for the last 40 years in the epicenter of the industrialization, the epicenter of automation, the epicenter of infnt mortality and all kinds of opiates. i'm in the fight and ready to do it for the country. >> i have a great name for you as a marketing guy and tell me if you think it fits you well. youngstown tim. >> i'll get the t-shirts printed, man. i like it. >> you couldn't come up. if i said i need a word to embod
among those on the first night is ohio congressman tim ryan.ger to challenging democrats will face off against e-elizabeth warren and cory booker and amy klobuchar. great to see you. we've gotten to know each other on our "morning joe" panels. and each time you walk off, either barnical or willy or i say to each other this guy's really got what it take hopefully people are going to see that next week in miami. >> well, that's the plan. people say what are you going to do i am...
Jun 30, 2019
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plus 2020 democratic presidential candidate congressman tim ryan of ohio is here. a democratic congressman of california is here, sits on the house armed services committee and co chairs the sanders campaign. also ahead an advisor to president trump and peter navarro on trade talks. also we will talk about the crisis on our southern border. all that right here right now as we look ahead on "sunday morning futures". we begin this sunday morning with president trump making history as the first sitting american president to set foot in north korea. kim jong-un accepted a last-minute invitation to meet at the dmz, which the president tweeted out just before leaving the g 20 in japan for south korea. both leaders agreed to restart the stalled nuclear talks between washington and pyongyang. >> i believe just looking at this, this is an expression of his willingness to eliminate all the unfortunate past and open a new future. >> i just want to say that this is my honor. i didn't really expect it. we were in japan for the g 20. we came over and i said hey i'm over here. i
plus 2020 democratic presidential candidate congressman tim ryan of ohio is here. a democratic congressman of california is here, sits on the house armed services committee and co chairs the sanders campaign. also ahead an advisor to president trump and peter navarro on trade talks. also we will talk about the crisis on our southern border. all that right here right now as we look ahead on "sunday morning futures". we begin this sunday morning with president trump making history as...
Jun 5, 2019
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tim ryan for america.com. if we don't have an industrial policy, we're going to continue to bleed these manufacturing jobs. >> don't some of our government leaders need to stop being so dependent on single businesses like gm. and lordstown, it's the government who said, let's have gm here, let's get rid of all of these local businesses, eminent domain. which is great until the town becomes dependent on that one corporation. it's not necessarily mary barra's job to support a city. it's the government leaders. so do we need to rethink what those public-private partners look like and diversity local businesses. >> no question about it. how do you get the new technologies into the older industries so you can increase productivity, increase job growth and make sure you cut the workers in on the deal, whatever that next generation of growth looks like. we have to have public-private partnerships that get the venture capital out of three states. it's in either california, new york or massachusetts. so this is very co
tim ryan for america.com. if we don't have an industrial policy, we're going to continue to bleed these manufacturing jobs. >> don't some of our government leaders need to stop being so dependent on single businesses like gm. and lordstown, it's the government who said, let's have gm here, let's get rid of all of these local businesses, eminent domain. which is great until the town becomes dependent on that one corporation. it's not necessarily mary barra's job to support a city. it's the...
Jun 14, 2019
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looking forward to see you at the debate. >> thank you. >> trevor: congressman tim ryan, everybody!t back! ( cheers and applause ) ♪ here are even more reasons to join t-mobile. 1. do you like netflix? sure you do. that's why it's on us. 2. unlimited data. use as much as you want, when you want. 3. no surprises on your bill. taxes and fees included. still think you have a better deal? bring in your discount, and we'll match it. that's right. t-mobile will match your discount. packs carbs to refuel and electrolytes to replenish ♪ so you can bring the heat. nothing beats gatorade. is the most dramatic thing you ever heard in your whole life. what you're about to hear "the secret life of pets 2" is the number one movie in america. that's the thing about being awesome. when you are awesome and you just tell the truth, it just sounds like you brave. boom! the question is... is fast enough? ♪ or, do you want speed and style? power and attraction? exhilaration and distinction? ♪ introducing performance, born of refinement. ♪ the lexus rc line. ♪ experience amazing at your lexus dealer. exp
looking forward to see you at the debate. >> thank you. >> trevor: congressman tim ryan, everybody!t back! ( cheers and applause ) ♪ here are even more reasons to join t-mobile. 1. do you like netflix? sure you do. that's why it's on us. 2. unlimited data. use as much as you want, when you want. 3. no surprises on your bill. taxes and fees included. still think you have a better deal? bring in your discount, and we'll match it. that's right. t-mobile will match your discount....
Jun 27, 2019
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i mean tim ryan barely said a word. poor jay insley spent most of the night trying to order a drink from a bartender who didn't realize he was. there look at him, just like standing there, like-- can i-- i-- yeah, can i-- teq-- come on, dude, how are you going to get the number nation if you condition even get a vodka soda. >> and the might seemed like it it was just going to be a bunch of people mostly saying the same thing. all the democrats have similar ideas. until lester hold brought up-- holt brought up health care and all health broke loose. >> would you replace private insurance. >> no, i think the choice is fundamental to our ability. >> private insurance is not working for tens of millions of americans when you talk about the copace. deductible, the premiums, the out-of-pocket expenses t is not working. >> why are you de fending private insurance. >> 350e78 like their private health insurance. i think we should be the party that keeps what is working and fixes what is broken. (applause) i mean doesn't that mak
i mean tim ryan barely said a word. poor jay insley spent most of the night trying to order a drink from a bartender who didn't realize he was. there look at him, just like standing there, like-- can i-- i-- yeah, can i-- teq-- come on, dude, how are you going to get the number nation if you condition even get a vodka soda. >> and the might seemed like it it was just going to be a bunch of people mostly saying the same thing. all the democrats have similar ideas. until lester hold brought...
Jun 27, 2019
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i mean tim ryan barely said a word.who didn't realize he was. there look at him, just like standing there, like-- can i-- i-- yeah, can i-- teq-- come on, dude, how are you going to get the number nation if you condition even get a vodka soda. >> and the might seemed like it it was just going to be a bunch of people mostly saying the same thing. all the democrats have similar ideas. until lester hold brought up-- holt brought up health care and all health broke loose. >> would you replace private insurance. >> no, i think the choice is fundamental to our ability. >> private insurance is not working for tens of millions of americans when you talk about the copace. deductible, the premiums, the out-of-pocket expenses t is not working. >> why are you de fending private insurance. >> 350e78 like their private health insurance. i think we should be the party that keeps what is working and fixes what is broken. (applause) i mean doesn't that make sense. >> oh, the short bald dude who sls running for president just came out of
i mean tim ryan barely said a word.who didn't realize he was. there look at him, just like standing there, like-- can i-- i-- yeah, can i-- teq-- come on, dude, how are you going to get the number nation if you condition even get a vodka soda. >> and the might seemed like it it was just going to be a bunch of people mostly saying the same thing. all the democrats have similar ideas. until lester hold brought up-- holt brought up health care and all health broke loose. >> would you...
Jun 14, 2019
eye 107
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looking forward to see you at the debate. >> thank you. >> trevor: congressman tim ryan, everybody!of stuff michael follows online. then he tried tostitos scoops and salsa... and he started following them in real life. no! ♪ and kept following... ♪ everywhere. ♪ wow, okay. boundaries, michael, boundaries. hey, mike. sup. oh! tostitos. get together already. ♪ ♪ it's light and refreshing, perfect to drink by any ocean. like this one. or, by an unsalted ocean. at pure leaf, real tea leaves we blend the finest tea leaves and brew them at a lower temperature for a smooth delicious real brewed iced tea. i'm alex white, pure leaf tea master. our thing is tea. [tv] i can't just stop [door bell]. ♪ [door bell] ♪ ♪ [door bell] other places deliver food. we deliver more than that. ♪ delivering happy. mcdonalds on uber eats. is the most dramatic thing you ever heard in your whole life. what you're about to hear "the secret life of pets 2" is the number one movie in america. that's the thing about being awesome. when you are awesome and you just tell the truth, it just sounds like you brave. boo
looking forward to see you at the debate. >> thank you. >> trevor: congressman tim ryan, everybody!of stuff michael follows online. then he tried tostitos scoops and salsa... and he started following them in real life. no! ♪ and kept following... ♪ everywhere. ♪ wow, okay. boundaries, michael, boundaries. hey, mike. sup. oh! tostitos. get together already. ♪ ♪ it's light and refreshing, perfect to drink by any ocean. like this one. or, by an unsalted ocean. at pure leaf,...
Jun 20, 2019
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start with tim ryan. >> tim ryan, you know, is interesting. him i say, show me your authentic self. i would say to all of them don't get up there and do a policy spiel. >> but donny, doesn't everybody say show your authentic self? >> you didn't let me finish what that means in this case. he is a young, talented guy. he is a football player. he's kind of a street guy. you know, basically everybody's going to be lensing it through who can duke it out with trump. i always say, imagine on stage this person, this man or woman versus trump. if i'm tim ryan i want to show that level of strength. you know what? i'm a guy from the midwest. you grew up with a silver spoon. i'm from the streets. i'm a youpngstown guy. be mr. youngstown. >> so you agree with donny that we should be looking at those candidates who can face off against trump? because you know trump is going to be live tweeting the entire debate and try to get in the conversation. >> it depends who you are. i wouldn't do that if i'm tim ryan. he used to be my congressman. he needs to show, h
start with tim ryan. >> tim ryan, you know, is interesting. him i say, show me your authentic self. i would say to all of them don't get up there and do a policy spiel. >> but donny, doesn't everybody say show your authentic self? >> you didn't let me finish what that means in this case. he is a young, talented guy. he is a football player. he's kind of a street guy. you know, basically everybody's going to be lensing it through who can duke it out with trump. i always say,...
Jun 8, 2019
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talk to me a little what a president tim ryan would do for lgbtq americans? >> make sure schools of safe for the lgbtq community, colleges are safe, not discrimination picking a jury pool and most importantly appointing justices that are going to be fair and equally apply the law acrossed board regardless of any issue. >> reporter: and there are some americans out there, lgbtq american whose voted for president donald trump. a motorcycle is going by. but those lgbtq american whose may have voted for president trump in 2016, what do you want to say to them? >> i think they know. they see the discrimination, transgender ban in the military. demagoguery trying to shame people. who the democrat is, is going to have a much different position, and i think we need to end of era of intolerance in the united states donald trump created across the boards. >> reporter: one of the things we're looking forward to, the debates first on nbc and msnbc news on telemundo. stricter criteria. are you concerned maybe you won't make it? >> we'll see. a ridiculous standard. candida
talk to me a little what a president tim ryan would do for lgbtq americans? >> make sure schools of safe for the lgbtq community, colleges are safe, not discrimination picking a jury pool and most importantly appointing justices that are going to be fair and equally apply the law acrossed board regardless of any issue. >> reporter: and there are some americans out there, lgbtq american whose voted for president donald trump. a motorcycle is going by. but those lgbtq american whose...
Jun 27, 2019
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i think that's the value tim ryan brought to this race.ders versus elizabeth warren versus kamala and versus cory. there was no one battling for the centrist with biden until tim ryan emerges. and i think that's important. not that i'm by any stretch a centrist. people that have the jobs you're talking about need to see themselves on that stage if you're going to say it's an inclusive democratic party. and i see everybody up there but me, that's not inclusive. ryan brought that last night. some people were uncomfortable with it and i think it helps him. the people that he appeals to say yeah, that's how i feel too. it helps me with the people that say i'm with you. understand they don't like me because they don't like you. and i think -- >> are you saying people don't like me, rev? >> no. you're very likable. you're likable enough. >> your talking about your mother from alabama. my mother from georgia would always say judge yourself by your enemies. >> oh, and don't lose your soul over it. >> i asked you a minute ago if the party is going
i think that's the value tim ryan brought to this race.ders versus elizabeth warren versus kamala and versus cory. there was no one battling for the centrist with biden until tim ryan emerges. and i think that's important. not that i'm by any stretch a centrist. people that have the jobs you're talking about need to see themselves on that stage if you're going to say it's an inclusive democratic party. and i see everybody up there but me, that's not inclusive. ryan brought that last night. some...
Jun 27, 2019
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next, the man at the center of the most talked-about moments of the debate, congressman tim ryan joins me. ngressman tim ryan joins me as your life grows, so do your needs. ♪ and with bank of america and merrill, the benefits you get can grow, too. as a preferred rewards member, you can enjoy priority service and exclusive discounts... so your growing life can be more rewarding, too. ♪ what would you like the power to do? ♪ what would you like the power to do? (woman) you have the support of a probiotic and the gastroenterologists who developed it. (vo) align naturally helps to soothe your occasional digestive upsets 24/7. (woman) so where you go, the pro goes. (vo) go with align. the pros in digestive health. xfinity mobile is a designed to save you money. whether you use your phone to get fit or to find the perfect gift, you'll use less data with a network that automatically connects to millions of wifi hotspots and the best lte everywhere else. so you save hundreds of dollars a year on your wireless bill. xfinity mobile has the best network. best devices. best value. simple. easy. a
next, the man at the center of the most talked-about moments of the debate, congressman tim ryan joins me. ngressman tim ryan joins me as your life grows, so do your needs. ♪ and with bank of america and merrill, the benefits you get can grow, too. as a preferred rewards member, you can enjoy priority service and exclusive discounts... so your growing life can be more rewarding, too. ♪ what would you like the power to do? ♪ what would you like the power to do? (woman) you have the support...
Jun 15, 2019
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tim ryan for america.com, this is happening. i'm on this debate stage because this economic message is resonating with people. >> congressman and candidate tim ryan, i thank you for coming on the show tonight. i really appreciate it. >> thanks, s.e. >> well, they couldn't play nice forever. the 2020 democratic candidates are starting to turn up the heat on each other. that's leading some voters to fear a 2020 repeat. and a little later, i'll speak to the only republican bold enough to challenge the president, on the campaign trail at least. award winning interface. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded luxury suv of the century. the volvo xc90. here are even more reasons to join t-mobile. 1. do you like netflix? sure you do. that's why it's on us. 2. unlimited data. use as much as you want, when you want. 3. no surprises on your bill. taxes and fees included. still think you have a better deal? bring in your discount, and we'll match it. that's right. t-mobile will match your discount. and
tim ryan for america.com, this is happening. i'm on this debate stage because this economic message is resonating with people. >> congressman and candidate tim ryan, i thank you for coming on the show tonight. i really appreciate it. >> thanks, s.e. >> well, they couldn't play nice forever. the 2020 democratic candidates are starting to turn up the heat on each other. that's leading some voters to fear a 2020 repeat. and a little later, i'll speak to the only republican bold...
Jun 27, 2019
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there's tim ryan wearing his cap backwards. >> uh. hey, guys, flerathere aren't cas here now, right? did you get confused and think this way your office softball game you look like you're slamming some tall boys at red sox gam game most men seemed to enjoy talking about policy and the campaign has been incredibly substangszive. kamala harris has a plan for households and senator e-elizabeth warren was so excited to discuss the plan to tax the wealthy that she could hardly contain herself >> thank you, senator warren for being here how the do you plan to make sure the rich pay their fair share of the taxes? >> whoa! >> seth: whoa, whoa. that question was elizabeth warren's mardi gras i've seen more than walking up to chris cuomo at a party and sawing do you know anything about cross fit? while the polls have stayed mostly flat, warren was stock has been rising and that's caught the attention of joe biden and president trump. >> new polling shows warren's economic message is resonating with voters. in the latest nbc news "wall street jo
there's tim ryan wearing his cap backwards. >> uh. hey, guys, flerathere aren't cas here now, right? did you get confused and think this way your office softball game you look like you're slamming some tall boys at red sox gam game most men seemed to enjoy talking about policy and the campaign has been incredibly substangszive. kamala harris has a plan for households and senator e-elizabeth warren was so excited to discuss the plan to tax the wealthy that she could hardly contain herself...
Jun 27, 2019
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there's tim ryan wearing his cap backwards. >> uh. hey, guys, flerathere aren't cas here now, right? did you get confused and think this way your office softball game you look like you're slamming some tall boys at red sox gam game most men seemed to enjoy talking about policy and the campaign has been incredibly substangszive. ormala harris has a plan f households and senator e-elizabeth warren was so excited to discuss the plan to tax the wealthy that she could hardly contain herself >> thank you, senator warren for being here p how the do yn to make sure the rich pay their fair share of the taxes? >> whoa! w >> seth: whoa,a. that question was elizabeth warren's mardi gras i've seen more than walking up to chris cuomo at a party and g wing do you know anythin about cross fit? while the polls have stayed mostly flat, warren was stock in has been risand that's caught the attention of joe biden and president trump. >> new polling shows warren's th voters.essage is resonating in the latest nbc news "wall street journal" poll, 26% say th
there's tim ryan wearing his cap backwards. >> uh. hey, guys, flerathere aren't cas here now, right? did you get confused and think this way your office softball game you look like you're slamming some tall boys at red sox gam game most men seemed to enjoy talking about policy and the campaign has been incredibly substangszive. ormala harris has a plan f households and senator e-elizabeth warren was so excited to discuss the plan to tax the wealthy that she could hardly contain herself...
Jun 15, 2019
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if anybody wanted to be a part of that, they can go to tim ryan for america.com.oint, alex, would have expected congressman tim ryan from youngstown, ohio, would be on the debate stage. i think it speaks to the fact we're connecting to voters around these economic issues. >> absolutely, that certainly has been a big platform for you and something you fought for in all of these, what, 17 years in congress. you have that to look at. people can look at that as well. but you have acknowledged name recognition is a challenge for you. how do you want to break through? how do you plan to do it and gain some lasting, national notice? >> we're going to talk about, again, who i am and where i'm from. i think people will know i will be on their side. also because of where i come from, we had to scrap our way through survival. they will hear about the most cutting edge education reforms i will be putting forward around social and emotional learning and trauma-based care and really taking care of our kids and schools, making sure they're eating well. we will hear talk about in
if anybody wanted to be a part of that, they can go to tim ryan for america.com.oint, alex, would have expected congressman tim ryan from youngstown, ohio, would be on the debate stage. i think it speaks to the fact we're connecting to voters around these economic issues. >> absolutely, that certainly has been a big platform for you and something you fought for in all of these, what, 17 years in congress. you have that to look at. people can look at that as well. but you have acknowledged...
Jun 24, 2019
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but i really think that we've got to watch tim ryan.nk he's going to try to come down a centrist lane that is going to be open on that first night's debate. i agree bill de blasio should not be underestimated because he's run and debated several times. he has everything to gain trying to be the runner-up of the progressive lane with liz warren. liz warren is the established front-runner in the first night, which means if you're going to try to be the runner-up and be in the realm of i'm the new progressive leader, or at least i should be considered along with liz warren and bernie sanders, de blasio has to do that wednesday night. i would watch de blasio, i would watch where he goes, i would also watch tim ryan. because tim ryan, without biden on that stage, he could be the centrist that comes in and carves out a niche. >> that's interesting. i haven't heard that name as much. tonight we got to go from snoop dogg to mike tyson to tim ryan. just another day's work with the hardest-working reverend at msnbc. al sharpton, thanks for stayin
but i really think that we've got to watch tim ryan.nk he's going to try to come down a centrist lane that is going to be open on that first night's debate. i agree bill de blasio should not be underestimated because he's run and debated several times. he has everything to gain trying to be the runner-up of the progressive lane with liz warren. liz warren is the established front-runner in the first night, which means if you're going to try to be the runner-up and be in the realm of i'm the new...
Jun 27, 2019
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of that from tim ryan last night what are you looking for, stu? >> i'm expecting more firk ewor. i th's going to be fascinating debate. i am more energized about tonight than i actwas last night, because you have four of the five front-runners. you ha great contrast among the front-runners. you have two 70-year-old whiteca men, an afamerican woman and a 35-year-old guy mayor. the contrasts are really interesting to see how they will lk to one another. bernie sanders has a reputation, a history of combativeness. and i think he with joe biden, ihere could be -- they could mix it up a little. as for the second or third tier, gillibrand, bennet, hickenlooper, swalwelil i think theyhave a hard time getting any attention because most of the focus will be on the big four in this debate. >> wdruff: lisa, last nig we saw the, if you will, the also-ran, the ones who aren't polling as highly on the wings of the stage, they wereey interjecting, ere interrupting to get themselves some air time. >> that's rig stu's right. that was a lesson that campaign after c
of that from tim ryan last night what are you looking for, stu? >> i'm expecting more firk ewor. i th's going to be fascinating debate. i am more energized about tonight than i actwas last night, because you have four of the five front-runners. you ha great contrast among the front-runners. you have two 70-year-old whiteca men, an afamerican woman and a 35-year-old guy mayor. the contrasts are really interesting to see how they will lk to one another. bernie sanders has a reputation, a...
Jun 22, 2019
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tim ryan, the only way it could have been worse is if he had said-- i don't know, the last guy's wife. she seems good." tim ryan did bring up his wife when asked where he would go on his first trip as president. >> europe. i would go to europe. in fact, i already teased my wife that within the first few weeks of getting sworn in, we're going to have to go to europe and really rebuild our alliances in nato. >> stephen: why would you tease your wife like that, tim ryan? ( laughter ) we all know you're actually going to take baker mayfield. ( laughter ) >> jon: oh, wow! >> stephen: the candidates were also asked about their nighttime routine. >> how many hours of sleep do you get a night? >> not enough. >> not enough. >> just enough time to be able to have dreams at nighttime and vision statements during the daytime. >> stephen: what does that even mean? "i've got daydreams at nighttime, night dreams at daytime, and when pizza's on a bagel, you can have pizza anytime." ( cheers and applause ) ♪ ♪ true story. >> jon: yeah, it's nice. >> stephen: steve but a big group of these candidates i
tim ryan, the only way it could have been worse is if he had said-- i don't know, the last guy's wife. she seems good." tim ryan did bring up his wife when asked where he would go on his first trip as president. >> europe. i would go to europe. in fact, i already teased my wife that within the first few weeks of getting sworn in, we're going to have to go to europe and really rebuild our alliances in nato. >> stephen: why would you tease your wife like that, tim ryan? (...
Jun 30, 2019
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he's also a 2020 presidential candidate, tim ryan.gressman, thanks for coming on. >> thanks for having me. >> it's heart breaking to see a local newspaper, not just -- we have seen it for years unfortunately layoffs, cutbacks, shorter, smaller papers but now in this country we are starting to see papers shut down. daily papers like yours in youngstown. what does it mean for your community? >> well, first and foremost, it's a job's issue. i mean, there are hundreds -- if you include the carriers about 400 people are going to lose their job. but it's a -- it knits the community together. if there's a big local concert downtown, we open up a new business incubator, this is the newspaper that highlights it. if we had a boxing champion like ray boom boom mancini or bernie kosar, he was from youngstown, it highlights those who have been successful and brings it back to the local level. it builds culture and that's what you lose when you lose the local newspaper. you lose that culture that pulls you together. at this moment in history in our
he's also a 2020 presidential candidate, tim ryan.gressman, thanks for coming on. >> thanks for having me. >> it's heart breaking to see a local newspaper, not just -- we have seen it for years unfortunately layoffs, cutbacks, shorter, smaller papers but now in this country we are starting to see papers shut down. daily papers like yours in youngstown. what does it mean for your community? >> well, first and foremost, it's a job's issue. i mean, there are hundreds -- if you...
Jun 27, 2019
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next to him tim ryan from ohio? >> he is my member of congress.e knocked it out of the park when it came to bringing it to the democratic party but he struggled on some. >> he fact based a lot of the progressives there. steve: huljuly january castro. >> open borders, i'm sorry. >> he went to standard the same time as me but that's not going to give him a vote from me. steve: sound bites getting a lot of play mixing it one beto. >> is he getting a lot of attention but you know how i feel about beto. steve: when beto started speaking spanish last night,. >> he also spoke spanish. i'm not sure if they were running for the president of the united states or the president of mexico. >> technical points with progressives. not a huge fan but in his case he did what he needed to do. is it. steve: center square elizabeth warren. >> thats with supposed to be elizabeth warren's. >> she was supposed to be a fadeout she faded. steve: beto next to her. and you had said early you would give him an f. >> does he have any policy proposals or solutions or details on
next to him tim ryan from ohio? >> he is my member of congress.e knocked it out of the park when it came to bringing it to the democratic party but he struggled on some. >> he fact based a lot of the progressives there. steve: huljuly january castro. >> open borders, i'm sorry. >> he went to standard the same time as me but that's not going to give him a vote from me. steve: sound bites getting a lot of play mixing it one beto. >> is he getting a lot of attention...
Jun 16, 2019
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today, we are delighted to welcome congressman tim ryan to our politics and eggs. the congressman is currently serving in his ninth term, representing ohio's 13th congressional district, which includes akron, youngstown, as well as other surrounding communities. he got his start in politics after graduating from bowling green state university, where he worked as a congressional aide on capitol hill. he also has new hampshire ties. he received his law degree from the new hampshire school of law, when it was known as the franklin pierce law center. after law school, he returned to ohio, where he served in the state senate, before being elected to congress. he is a senior member of the very influential house appropriations committee, where he chairs the legislative subcommittee. he is also the cochair of the manufacturing caucus, where he works with his colleagues on both sides of the aisle, including several members of the new england congressional delegation. to strengthen america's manufacturing race and reform u.s. trade policies. he is the author of two books. th
today, we are delighted to welcome congressman tim ryan to our politics and eggs. the congressman is currently serving in his ninth term, representing ohio's 13th congressional district, which includes akron, youngstown, as well as other surrounding communities. he got his start in politics after graduating from bowling green state university, where he worked as a congressional aide on capitol hill. he also has new hampshire ties. he received his law degree from the new hampshire school of law,...
Jun 14, 2019
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democratic congressman tim ryan and new york city bim ll de blao discuss their campaigns.st moments away. . "morning joe" just moments away. all money managers might seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell. fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. and while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management. stop struggling to clean tough messes with sprays. try new clean freak! it has three times the cleaning power to dissolve kitchen grease on contact. it works great on bathtubs. and even stainless steel. try new clean freak from mr. clean. if you have moderate to little things can be a big deal. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% c
democratic congressman tim ryan and new york city bim ll de blao discuss their campaigns.st moments away. . "morning joe" just moments away. all money managers might seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell. fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. and while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. fisher...
Jun 14, 2019
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remarks from 2020 presidential candidate tim ryan. the ohio democratic congressman recently appeared at the new hampshire institute of politics and new england council politics and ask breakfast. this is about one hour. >> good morning, i'm the executive director here at the new hampshire council. welcome to another in our wonderful series of politics and eggs which goes back many years to 1997. some are surprised to know, if you ever saw "the west wing," politics and eggs is in the show at one point when the president is signing something in the oval office. , you'll of quick things see a the room our sponsors, many of you are here as guest. without our sponsors, we could not produce the series. it is because of them that we can do this. , it is the most popular series in america as far as politics goes. we have more political activity in this building and in this camp is than any other campus in the united dates. -- united states. a lot of it is thanks to these great corporate partners we have. i also want to mention, we have the se
remarks from 2020 presidential candidate tim ryan. the ohio democratic congressman recently appeared at the new hampshire institute of politics and new england council politics and ask breakfast. this is about one hour. >> good morning, i'm the executive director here at the new hampshire council. welcome to another in our wonderful series of politics and eggs which goes back many years to 1997. some are surprised to know, if you ever saw "the west wing," politics and eggs is in...
Jun 11, 2019
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ryan. ♪ ain't nobody tell me nothing >> thank you. ( laughter ) >> trevor: what? your walk-on song in are you running for president or trying to go viral on tick tock? what are you doing? don't get me wrong, i love that song, but old town road doesn't make you souped like a professional anything. like, if i walked in on my accountant and he was playing that song while doing my taxes, i would be like, uh, i'll take my chances with the i.r.s. ( laughter ) giving a politician only five minutes for a speech is not enough. it's like telling a vegan they can only post ten times a day online about how they're vegan. and because the organizers knew all politicians would go over their time, they took a page from the oscars and used music to mangkhut them off. >> as a new yorker anyone who doesn't have insurance has health care. ♪ >> or planet and country, no obstacle we can't overcome. ♪ ♪ >> and where we finally put an the public theater's free "shakespeare in the park" production of "much ado about nothing" runs through june 23rd and "orange is the new black" returns for
ryan. ♪ ain't nobody tell me nothing >> thank you. ( laughter ) >> trevor: what? your walk-on song in are you running for president or trying to go viral on tick tock? what are you doing? don't get me wrong, i love that song, but old town road doesn't make you souped like a professional anything. like, if i walked in on my accountant and he was playing that song while doing my taxes, i would be like, uh, i'll take my chances with the i.r.s. ( laughter ) giving a politician only...
Jun 2, 2019
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tonight you will hear from congressman tim ryan and eric swalwell. but we begin the night with congressman seth moulton, who was first elected in 2014. after serving in the marine corps, including four tours in iraq. he was among the first americans to reach baghdad in 2003. the 40-year-old moulton would be the youngest president ever elected. tonight, he'll take request es from democrats and independents who say they plan to participate in the democratic primaries and caucuses. so now, please welcome congressman seth moulton. [ applause . [ applause ] >> thank you. >> all right. congressman, we got a lot of people here. >> this is a great crowd. >> yeah, a good crowd. we have great questions here for you, tonight we're going to start, obviously, after what happened in virginia beach, we're going to start with what happened there, i was just there yesterday. 12 people murdered in government building by a city employee. now gun violence obviously a major issue in america. let's bring in holly o'connor. she has a question about that she's a behavioral
tonight you will hear from congressman tim ryan and eric swalwell. but we begin the night with congressman seth moulton, who was first elected in 2014. after serving in the marine corps, including four tours in iraq. he was among the first americans to reach baghdad in 2003. the 40-year-old moulton would be the youngest president ever elected. tonight, he'll take request es from democrats and independents who say they plan to participate in the democratic primaries and caucuses. so now, please...
Jun 25, 2019
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congressman tim ryan, thank you. we'll be right back. >> thanks, poppy. always been amazed by what's next. and still going for my best, even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. so if there's a better treatment than warfarin... i want that too. eliquis. eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis is fda-approved and has both. what's next? reeling in a nice one. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden sign of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental proce
congressman tim ryan, thank you. we'll be right back. >> thanks, poppy. always been amazed by what's next. and still going for my best, even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. so if there's a better treatment than warfarin... i want that too. eliquis. eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis is fda-approved and has both. what's next? reeling in a...
Jun 27, 2019
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i noticed you were watching tim ryan i think. >> i really like tim ryan. >> what did you like about hemnown. if you look at her compared to the other candidates, she's poised, presidential, saying a little less and saying it well might be more in the end. >> reporter: most of the crowd didn't stay for the full two hours. only a handful hung onto the bitter end. >> i think a lot of good ideas that bring back the country to civility, to truth. >> reporter: for these democrats round one didn't provide any knockouts or clear-cut winners, only more to ponder. >> i think it helped me better understand overall the candidates, not just the general ideas of what they stand for but the actual policies that they're going to implement. >> reporter: a lot of the voters that we were talking to last night said, look, they didn't expect these debates would help them choose a candidate, but they are hoping it would help them whittle the list down to something more manageable, the top five. that said, i'm not sure last night helped in that regard. many of them say the candidates are in round two so we'll
i noticed you were watching tim ryan i think. >> i really like tim ryan. >> what did you like about hemnown. if you look at her compared to the other candidates, she's poised, presidential, saying a little less and saying it well might be more in the end. >> reporter: most of the crowd didn't stay for the full two hours. only a handful hung onto the bitter end. >> i think a lot of good ideas that bring back the country to civility, to truth. >> reporter: for these...
Jun 18, 2019
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and congressman tim ryan will join us next.irym an will join us next the first survivor of alzheimer's disease is out there. and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen. but we won't get there without you. visit alz.org to join the fight. you might or joints.hing for your heart... but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. i swibecause they let metual, customize my insurance. and as a fitness junkie, i customize everything, like my bike, and my calves. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ today, life-changing technology from abbott is helping hunt them down at their source. because the faster we can identify new viruses, the faster we can get to stopping them. the most personal technology, is technology with the power to change your life. life. to the fullest. >>> ad
and congressman tim ryan will join us next.irym an will join us next the first survivor of alzheimer's disease is out there. and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen. but we won't get there without you. visit alz.org to join the fight. you might or joints.hing for your heart... but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain....
Jun 14, 2019
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that to me is going to be the key. >> tim ryan, good luck. you soon. >> next hour, another democrat who just made the debate stage, new york mayor bill de blasio will be our guest. also ahead, the president appears to forget which questions he did and did not answer when he responded to robert mueller's russia probe. his muddied account of his written answers are ahead on "morning joe." here are even more reasons to join t-mobile. 1. do you like netflix? sure you do. that's why it's on us. 2. unlimited data. use as much as you want, when you want. 3. no surprises on your bill. taxes and fees included. still think you have a better deal? bring in your discount, and we'll match it. that's right. t-mobile will match your discount. our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy! whoo-hoo! great-tasting ensure. with nine grams of protein and twenty-six vitamins and minerals. ensure, for strength and energy. make ice.d be mad at tech that's unnecessarily complicated. but you're not, because you have e*trade, which is
that to me is going to be the key. >> tim ryan, good luck. you soon. >> next hour, another democrat who just made the debate stage, new york mayor bill de blasio will be our guest. also ahead, the president appears to forget which questions he did and did not answer when he responded to robert mueller's russia probe. his muddied account of his written answers are ahead on "morning joe." here are even more reasons to join t-mobile. 1. do you like netflix? sure you do....
Jun 28, 2019
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bit of that from tim ryan kist night. what are you l for, stu? >> i'm expecting more fireworks. i think 's going to be fascinating debate. i am more energized about tonight than i actuallwas last night, because you have four of the five front-runners. you have great contrast among the front-runners. you have twoye 70--old white men, an african american woman and a 35-year-old guy may. the contrasts are really interesting to see how they will talk to one another. rnie sanders has a reputation, a history of combativeness.e and i think with joe biden, there could be -- they could mix it up a little bi. as for the second or third tier, gillibrand, bennet, hickenlooper, swalwell, i think they will have a hard time getting any attention because most of the focus will be on the big four ths debate. >> woodruff: lisa, last night we saw the, if you will, th also-ran, the ones who aren't polling as highly on the wings of the sta, they were interjecting, they were interrupting to get themselves some a time. >> that's right. stu's ri
bit of that from tim ryan kist night. what are you l for, stu? >> i'm expecting more fireworks. i think 's going to be fascinating debate. i am more energized about tonight than i actuallwas last night, because you have four of the five front-runners. you have great contrast among the front-runners. you have twoye 70--old white men, an african american woman and a 35-year-old guy may. the contrasts are really interesting to see how they will talk to one another. rnie sanders has a...
Jun 29, 2019
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we asked tim ryan a question about afghanistan. he said the reason the u.s.ot able it get out of afghanistan. the u.s. had not stayed engaged and while we have been there for a long time, we have been ignoring it. congresswoman gabbard took acute exception to that and invited herself into that discussion and levelled congressman ryan with this. >> is that what you will tell the parents of those two soldiers who were just killed in afghanistan? we just have to be engaged? as a soldier, i will tell you that answer is unacceptable. we have to bring our troops home from afghanistan. we are in a place in afghanistan where we have lost so many lives. we spent so much money. money that's coming out of every one of our pockets and should be going into communities here at home, meeting the needs of the people here at home. we are no better off in afghanistan today than when this war began. this is why it's so important to have a president and commander in chief who knows the cost of war and ready to do the job on day one. i am ready to do that job when i walk into the
we asked tim ryan a question about afghanistan. he said the reason the u.s.ot able it get out of afghanistan. the u.s. had not stayed engaged and while we have been there for a long time, we have been ignoring it. congresswoman gabbard took acute exception to that and invited herself into that discussion and levelled congressman ryan with this. >> is that what you will tell the parents of those two soldiers who were just killed in afghanistan? we just have to be engaged? as a soldier, i...
Jun 27, 2019
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tim ryan, you talked in a way that the other democrats didn't tonight. you talked about working people in the not cool parts of the country, not from the coast, not from the ivy league. i thought you talked about how you can actually win an election against donald trump. >> yeah, get into the industrial midwest, connect the working class people, change the brand of the party away from the coast and the ivy leagues. that's not going to work for us against donald trump. if you want to win western p. a. and ohio, of course. if you want to win the senate bianca, your brand better be work for the working class. >> why does the crowd tonight in the auditorium, if you will, how come they don't react to that? they seemed to be willing to cheer the usual progressive, you know, applause lines, but they didn't seem to be applauding the idea of, hey, we can actually beat trump if we do certain things. >> that's my campaign, how do you begin to convince people, yeah, i'm with you on these issues, too. but if we're going to connect to working class people, we can't ju
tim ryan, you talked in a way that the other democrats didn't tonight. you talked about working people in the not cool parts of the country, not from the coast, not from the ivy league. i thought you talked about how you can actually win an election against donald trump. >> yeah, get into the industrial midwest, connect the working class people, change the brand of the party away from the coast and the ivy leagues. that's not going to work for us against donald trump. if you want to win...
Jun 27, 2019
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ohio congressman tim ryan. be right back. this is anne marie peebles.rdays are a never- ending montage of comfort. [tv sfx]: where have you been all my life? but then anne laid on a serta perfect sleeper. and realized her life was only just sorta comfortable. not just sorta comfortable. serta comfortable. you don't see psoriasis. you see clear skin. you see me. but if you saw me before cosentyx... ♪ i was covered. it was awful. but i didn't give up. i kept fighting. i got clear skin with cosentyx. 3 years and counting. clear skin can last. see if cosentyx could make a difference for you. cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis find clear skin that can last. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or wo
ohio congressman tim ryan. be right back. this is anne marie peebles.rdays are a never- ending montage of comfort. [tv sfx]: where have you been all my life? but then anne laid on a serta perfect sleeper. and realized her life was only just sorta comfortable. not just sorta comfortable. serta comfortable. you don't see psoriasis. you see clear skin. you see me. but if you saw me before cosentyx... ♪ i was covered. it was awful. but i didn't give up. i kept fighting. i got clear skin with...
Jun 16, 2019
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one is tim ryan. ryan is saying about the secret formula. >> i consider myself a progressive but my focus is on economics. my focus is on the working class people, the forgotten communities, the forgotten workers, who haven't been able to make ends meet. i believe this election the democrats want to nominate somebody and must nominate somebody who deeply understands the economic struggles that people are going through. we're not going to be able to beat donald trump. ed: it's funny because he talks about the forgotten man and woman basically. where have we heard that before, congressman? >> where is tim ryan from, you guys? ed: ohio. >> ohio. where they have a 3.3% unemployment rate, because donald trump is the president. so tim ryan wants to help ohio and the other forgotten men and women stop running for president and endorse donald trump, because it's the policies that we all fought for as republicans and donald trump has fought for in the white house, that has grown this economy. i mean the forgot
one is tim ryan. ryan is saying about the secret formula. >> i consider myself a progressive but my focus is on economics. my focus is on the working class people, the forgotten communities, the forgotten workers, who haven't been able to make ends meet. i believe this election the democrats want to nominate somebody and must nominate somebody who deeply understands the economic struggles that people are going through. we're not going to be able to beat donald trump. ed: it's funny...
Jun 27, 2019
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not for tim ryan. most people don't realize are running for president and they're fighting over something that's not one of the main issues. and you do wonder what was the strategy. >> anti-war sentiment, though, we have learned does run deep especially in some of these early democratic states. >> it really struck me that tim ryan was to the right of donald trump in his arguments. so it made me wonder, you know, does his sentiment really have a place in the major parties today? unless i think there's another terrorist attack in which case i think that sentiment tends to come roaring back. >> congressman ryan trying mostly to stake out i'm from a blue-collar town where people work with their hands and the democratic party has lost touch with the work's class but he did respond to congresswoman gabbard today. >> she was trying to score points. i think whoever got that question on afghanistan she was going to try to go after and quite frankly she doesn't have very good judgment on a lot of these issues. s
not for tim ryan. most people don't realize are running for president and they're fighting over something that's not one of the main issues. and you do wonder what was the strategy. >> anti-war sentiment, though, we have learned does run deep especially in some of these early democratic states. >> it really struck me that tim ryan was to the right of donald trump in his arguments. so it made me wonder, you know, does his sentiment really have a place in the major parties today?...
Jun 30, 2019
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congressman tim ryan of ohio, this needs to be a working class party.more, which one's got the -- senator amy klobuchar of minnesota. senator klobuchar is another one of these candidates who knows exactly who she is, has never tried to be anybody else and is all about being practical and getting things done, and in this case going after donald trump. >> the president literally went on tv on fox and said that people's heads would spin when they see how much he would bring down pharmaceutical prices. instead, 2,500 drugs have gone up in double-digits since he came into office. instead he gave $100 billion in giveaways to the pharma companies. for the rest of us, for the rest of america, that's what we call at home all foam and no beer. we got nothing out of it. and so my proposal is to do something about pharma, to take them on, to allow negotiation under medicare, to bring in less expensive drugs from other countries, and pharma thinks they own washington, well, they don't own me. >> well, they don't own me. i have time for one more exactly, and it is ou
congressman tim ryan of ohio, this needs to be a working class party.more, which one's got the -- senator amy klobuchar of minnesota. senator klobuchar is another one of these candidates who knows exactly who she is, has never tried to be anybody else and is all about being practical and getting things done, and in this case going after donald trump. >> the president literally went on tv on fox and said that people's heads would spin when they see how much he would bring down...